Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cutting. Since we got back from break we've been working on cutting projects. These are areas of the forest that are high risk for fires and need to be thinned to keep the amount of fuels lower. This year we have 200 acres to complete. After we arrive we are briefed on the prescription, what is to be cut and how to pile it. For example, "All Aspen and Spruce are to be saved. Cut and pile everything else that is less then 10 inches in diameter. Leaving at least one tree every 30 ft radius. Piles are to be made at least 10ft high and expect to carry up to 100 yards." Then we pair off into groups of two. You switch cutting after you run the chain saw through a tank of gas. The person not cutting is "swamping", piling the debris. Lastly, all saws are to be rehabbed at the end of the day. Topped with gas, cleaned and sharpened.

Just incase you’re into saws I've grown fond of the Stihl 440, full skip chain.

Team Leader applications are due this Friday. I've chosen to apply so I can keep my options open for next year. That means a quick resume update, letters of recommendation and an essay. Last I heard 7 corps members are applying for the 2 wildfire TL positions, stiff competition. Team Leaders manage a group of 9 americorps members. Compensation is another $5,000 for college and $12,000 stipend or twice what I get paid.

As for Americorps being around next year... The house has funding for Americorps in its budget and congress will be putting the budget infront of Bush sometime in September (I think). Everything I've heard through the grape vine has been good news and Americorps is going to act as if they have full funding for next year.

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