Thursday, July 27, 2006

Boulder Falls Fire. Thirty minutes into the start of a cutting project we got a fire call. A small .2 acre fire started from a lighting strike in Boulder Canyon. Boulder Canyon is known for its hundreds of rock climbing routes. When we arrived it seemed like 10 different volunteer departments had responded. The media was in full storm taking bunches of pictures as well as interview a few Americorps. 9 people had already climbed the steep route to the fire and had finished the fire line about the time we arrived. Our job was to hike water up the cliff for mop up and bone pile burning fuels. It took a good hour to get 200ft to the fire. A couple large boulders got dislodged sending us scrambling out of the way. One corps member Ross got his tool handle split in half like a toothpick. While on our way the county fire crew lost control of a burning log. Then it fell 200ft off a cliff onto the road bellow. It didn't land on any cars but started a few spot fires on its way down. After we finished on top of the hill 3 corps members and Julie from the forest service stayed the night with the fire to declare it out in the morning after the bone piles had burned. On the way down a rope had been put in to assist getting down the steepest section where the majority of the lose rocks were.

I didn't get any pictures my camera battery was dead. No one else had a camera either.

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