Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue. Over the course of the summer Americorps gets called on to assist in large search operations in the Colorado region. For example last year a parks ranger went missing in CO (I think it was national news) and the wildfire teams helped in search efforts. Today the rescue team was training us on "back board" extraction. Due too the large number of climbers and hikers the rocky mountain region has developed a lot of the equipment that will with stand the geography. Their back board is a bean bag in a steel basket. The bean bag is formed to the person then the air is pumped out fitting it tightly enough to restrict all back and neck movement. Much like stretch arm strong if you remember those toys. Its extremely comfortable compared to the wood or plastic ones you typically see.

web site: http://www.rockymountainrescue.org/index.html

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