Thursday, May 25, 2006

Blue Mountain Fire - What started as some guys controlled burn turned in to a large fire. Americorps arrived as initial attack. We had small aircraft support using fire suppressant (Its red stuff that has water, clay and nasty chemicals). We dug a chain then had to stop because approx. 80 employees at a rock quarry above the fire decided that throwing rocks on the fire would put out the flames. It took 4 police officers to stop them. Before then they had started to use a front end loader to dump boulders sending us running down the hill. The head Forest Service employee (Incident Commander) had a near miss with a rock a little bigger then the size of a beach ball. To add to their genius two people came down the hill with brooms and started beating on the flames to no avail. Then to top it off once we started digging line again two drunk guys on an ATV showed up with shovels wanting to help. Funny in retrospect. Reinforcements came from Cherry Hill Forest Service and I got to swamp for a Americorps alumni. Also found a big snake when swamping! Flame lengths got up to 4 feet but mostly we dealt with 1-2ft flames. In all the fire consumed 30 acres of grass and brush.

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