Monday, May 28, 2007

Shelly Fire. May 28 - June 1. The Shelly Fire had been burning for a couple weeks before Gila IHC arrived. The fire is in the Gila wilderness area where it is common practice to let the fire burn itself out (fire use).

On the 27th the winds picked up in combination with hot/dry temps. The acreage grew to approximately 30.

On the 28th the decision for Gila IHC to suppress was made. Due to the remote location a helicopter was detailed to fly us in and provide our extended attack gear (sleeping bags and MRE's). The helicopter took off from lookout point and landed 2 miles from the fire in non-wilderness NF. Helicopters have to be approved by the Head Forest Ranger for flights into wilderness as well as use of chainsaws. From there we hiked in and meet with the IC and wilderness crew that had been monitoring the fire. The plan was made to anchor and flank the fire. A common practice in wildland firefighting. The East flank was hot and moving fast so we took the cooler west flank down from the ridge line. By the end of the day we had the west side lined. Dewey (Gila IHC foremen) and the IC felt that the fire could make a move to the east tomorrow. They called for an additional type 1 crew the Silver City Hotshots.

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