Monday, April 30, 2007

B Faller. This morning we went to the Bear fire that occurred last June a few miles from Negrito Fire Base. The fire actually threatened Negrito and now we have to keep spare car keys so they can move our vehicles this summer while on a roll (off forest 14 day fire dispatch). The Bear fire left plenty of burned out tree for us to fall in order to re-certify our sawyer qualifications. Last year I was certified as an A faller meaning that I could only cut up to an 8 inch tree unsupervised. After falling two trees the Gila superintendent decided to give me a chance for a B cert (8-24 inch trees). He said "I was the best A faller he had ever seen". Nice complement, anyways I got my B cert falling big hooter (large tree).

No word on dispatches yet. Hotshot crews have been sent to Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina. We should be next in line to go out.

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