Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 8, 2006
Future goals? I've sent applications to US Forest Service Hotshot crews in CO, NM and UT. All 9 of whom I've been in contact with and will be visiting this winter. As for now I'm working toward 100 days of riding and Cross Country skiing.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Fives. A convention used to retain ownership of a particular seat during a temporary vacancy. While departing from their seat the caller declares "fives" and is granted exactly five minutes absence during which time their seat will not be available to others.
In other news my father contacted the Brighton Pittsford Post and they decided to interviewed me for an article. The article was recently published.
Link to article PDF:
Brighton Pittsford Post
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Gift from Forest Service to Americorps NCCC
Some of my pictures will be up in the Americorps offices for future corps members to see!
As for life after Americorps... I've been putting in applications to CO ski resorts Vail, Keystone and Eldora. Seasonal FS wildfire jobs start getting posted in December. I'm looking at hotshot crews in NM, NV, AZ and CO.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The sky is falling.
Looks like over a foot of snow in the mountains tonight. Our goal for tomorrow is to burn some piles of limbs from our forest thinning projects. The rest of the next two weeks will be mostly Squad Boss training (131) and Pumps training.
Friday, September 29, 2006
The textbook cut
My fellow sawyer Adam was impressed with this particular cut so I posed for a picture with it. Note: It was a level cut; it just looks slanted because it’s off the stump and on uneven ground.
View from ridge line
We tied into the rocky ridgeline, which kept the chains of line we had to dig reasonable.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A group of four Corps members left for California on a two-week dispatch this weekend. The Cali fires have been getting tons of media coverage here.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Friday, September 8, 2006
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Fish habitat
View of the fish habitat after it got burned over. The water got so hot it boiled off and cooked the fish.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
suppressant drop
Since the streambed had to be clear of retardant the ridgeline was the only option for seed drops.
Tree no longer torching
Helitech dropped a bucket on the torching tree. The propeller blades kicked up hot embers and started spot fires that popped up shortly after.
Spot fires
We eat lunch in the shade where the flames are burning in this picture. Minutes later the whole tree went up.
spot fires
The spot fires are out of our control at this point. You can see part of the line we dug in the lower left hand corner.
It is a Red Flag day. That means that the temps, relative humidity and winds will reach levels that can create volatile fire conditions. We hit that point around 2pm, 90 deg, 12 RH and 20+mph wind.
The morning we spent digging line around the downhill section of the fire. Around 2pm the helicopter kicked up embers from a spot fire that then blow up below us. Simultaneously a spot fire picked up were we hiked in sending embers and smoke in behind us. We decided it was a good time to leave by following the fire line back. At this point the IC (Incident Commander) choose to team us up with UT county and heliteck to dig line up hill from the streambed. Shortly after a grass fire started below us. In fear of loosing an escape route the IC called everyone off the hill.
That night we set up camp approx 3 miles from the fire in the grass lands. At 11pm we evacuated our campsite because the fire was creeping within a mile of us.
Then at 3am my squad boss Chris came down with what turned out to be a kidney stone. It was decided that he should be helicoptered to Salt Lake city for diagnosis. Somehow I slept during the whole thing and helicopter landed only a few feet from me.
Pilot Fire - Wendover UT
The morning we arrived on the fire almost no smoke was visible. The lower half the fire is in UT the upper half is in Nevada.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Last thing we expected was a night in a casino. Let alone three. I didn't do any gambling but we did find out how many pictures you can take before they kick you off the gaming floor.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
water drop
A huge cottonwood was stubbornly burning so we order a few bucket drops that ended up missing the target.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Thursday, August 3, 2006
As for this week I've been working on different cutting units. Continuing the enhancement of the all powerful Aspen...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I didn't get any pictures my camera battery was dead. No one else had a camera either.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Barnard lake, CO
Often during the week a small group of us will take a break from cutting to do trail work. Barnard Lake is often were we go.
Central City (Columbine campground)
Aaron cutting down some little trees sentenced to death. Recently we have been spending most days thining the forests. The weather has been unseasonably wet. For some action you have to get dispatched out of state. Two small groups of Americorps have gone. One group to Utah for 14 days and two to Wyoming. I have yet to be on call when a dispatch got called. Also, in contradiction to the recent wetness this weekend 4 corps members went on a small fire here in CO.
Mammoth Hot Springs
Sadly the springs are not as active as they once were. A couple told me that last time they visited this view was covered in spring water. Global warming/drought? I'm sure they drove their 36ft RV to Yellowstone...
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone (Artists Point)
Popular view. Often recreated in paintings. We made a point to hike the trail to get there rather than drive.