Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Spinning Weather
Its hard too see what Steve "Hawk" is doing but we spin weather to determine relative humidity. We also do temps and wind.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Heli tech
The air support for Spring Gulch was out of Gold Lake Mountain Resort & Spa. Great little place in Ward, CO.
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
After making a back cut and hammering in some wedges the tree falls. We later stripped the bark off and cut the tree into sections.
Face cut
Using an axe you chop out a 45% angle. Cutting a clean face leaving no Dutchman(hard to explain but very bad).
Cross Cut saw
In a wilderness area restrictions limit felling to hand tool(that means no chain saws). The bark is striped from this tree that will soon be a bridge. We strip the bark so that any rock dust that has been blown into the bark will not dull the saw. The cut that is being made is the "face cut" it determines the direction of falling.
Moffat Tunnel
At the base of the James Peak Wilderness is the Moffat Tunnel. 6 miles long and ends at Winter park. Above the tunnel is the Continental Divide. We got to tour the vent building that pushs the diesel exhaust out.
The Blue Mountain Fire made the local news paper and CNN local. Completely unrelated: A group of us ran into the filming of The Real World (MTV) in downtown Denver on my birthday. It was hilarious how staged it is. MTV must have a deal with the local authorities since they had 4 officers there. Must be more important then enforcing the law.